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Columbia County Solid Waste Stations are Collecting Food Scraps


The Solid Waste department is now collecting food scraps at all our stations (except the recycling center at the Town of New Lebanon). Effective January 1, 2022 the NYSDEC has required certain businesses and institutions to either donate excess edible food and/or recycle all remaining food scraps if near an organics recycler (very few Columbia County businesses are required to do such at this time).

The Columbia County BOS has been proactive and is promoting food scrap recycling in an effort to stay ahead of the mandates and food donation and food scrap recycling laws that are being put into place. With that, the County has purchased an EcoRich 1000 that is able to take any food scrap (meat, dairy, leftovers, bones, fish, desserts, etc) and reduce the quantity almost 95% producing a food scrap compost that can be added to soil as a nutrient (4 parts soil to 1 part of the food scrap compost). The EcoRich is located at the Greenport Transfer Station. Residents can bring their food scraps to any station, free of charge.

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