Saturday, September 30, 2023
The Southeast Columbia County Repair Café has been rescheduled from September 16th to September 30th, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Library’s Community Room.

We still need “fixers,” people with the ability to fix specific things, to donate a bit of their time for the benefit of all. Can you repair bicycles, small appliances, lawn mowers and small engines, jewelry, or lamps? Can you sharpen knives, help with computer problems, or mend and sew (hand or machine)? If you have a skill and are willing to share your expertise by helping others, please join us on Saturday, September 30. Refreshments and gratitude provided to all volunteers.
To add your name to our “Fixer” list, please call the Library at 518-325-4101 or email Fran Colombo at
This program is co-sponsored by the Roe Jan Library, Copake Grange, and Ancram, Copake, Hillsdale, and Taghkanic Climate Smart Committees.