We recently had a conversation with Taghkanic's new Animal Control Officer (ACO), Kyle Miller, about his responsibilities. These duties include taking calls about lost dogs and picking up found dogs. If you find a dog on your property, it's important to call Kyle (845-407-1367) and help reunite the dog with its family. It's his favorite part of the job!
Kyle has lived in Columbia County most of his life. He went to school at SUNY-Cobleskill and obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Wildlife Management. Because of his education, he is able to help residents with all kinds of animal issues since he is familiar with resources regarding many species other than dogs.
Working at Ledgewood Kennels (Millerton) in the past, and Columbia-Greene Humane Society (Hudson) currently, has prepared Kyle well for this new job. He is also serving in the position of ACO in Hillsdale, Copake and Ghent. Found dogs get taken to Columbia-Greene HS and held for 10 days. If they are not claimed, they are evaluated for adoption.
Lately, Kyle has also been responding to calls regarding nuisance dogs that are allowed to roam on other people's property. His responsibilities include making sure that people are abiding by licensing laws. To license your dog in the Town of Taghkanic, contact Town Clerk, Cheryl Rogers 518-851-7161 or crogers42857@gmail.com
Kyle is on call all the time. He is available to pick up a stray dog on your property or please call him if you have lost your dog. He may have picked it up already.
To contact Kyle Miller:
or find him on facebook