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Register for Invasive Clean up at Overmountain this Saturday


Did you register for Columbia Land Conservancy's “Invasive Species Problem Defined for Community Scientist of the Columbia Land Conservancy”? The description for this event is below. Some of you registered for the original date, June 17th which was unfortunately rescheduled due to thunderstorms. If you plan on attending the program this Saturday, August 12th at 9:30am (the rescheduled date), please ensure you have registered under the new registration link.

Please also be sure to download the iMapInvasives Mobile app and sign up for an account, following the directions below. Please note, if you have a new Android phone you may not be able to download the iMapInvasives Mobile app but we will have tablets available with it downloaded for you to use.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Sam Schultz ( or Heidi Bock ( We look forward to seeing you all out there on Saturday!

Invasive Species Problem Defined for Community Scientist of the Columbia Land Conservancy”

Part 1 Zoom Webinar June 6th, 2023, 6:30 - 8:00 pm.

Part 2 Field Training and Reporting August 12th, 2023, 9:30-12:30

Overmountain Parking Area 138 Catalano Road, Ancram, NY

The two-part program for invasive species awareness and identification will feature an online training program coupled with an in the field training with regional experts from the Capital Region PRISM, a Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management. Participants attending the online tutorial can expect to receive an in depth look at how invasive species are problematic to our native flora and fauna. Invasive species will be defined, with a brief discussion on their classification and how land managers prioritize species for removal. A few high threat species will be show cased to develop an understanding of how managing these species is can be problematic. Tools and resources for identifying invasive species will be shared. The second portion of the program will be a brief introduction to the desk top version of iMapInvasives and the mobile app for reporting species. The iMapInvasives Mobile app preferences will be set up and tailored for use on CLC properties.

The program is intended to build foundational knowledge for an in the field workshop for plant identification and reporting on August 12th 2023 at the CLC Overmountain property. As a community scientist uploading invasive species to the iMapInvasives state run data base will help make conservation-based management decisions in the future for the Columbia Land Conservancy. Early detection and reporting of invasive species are the first steps in protecting and restoring landscapes. Program participants should register for the evening program and install the iMapInvasives Mobile app on their cellular device several days before the evening program.

  • Please register for part one in advanced for this zoom webinar for June 6th by clicking here.

and for part two the in person field training registration for August 12th byclicking here.

  • In the case of rain on August 12th, the in-person field training will be August 19th 9:30-12:30

  • In addition, sign up for an iMapInvasives account and download the App.

  • Step one create a free iMapInvasives account online Best done on a laptop or personal computer. Click on the “Login” button to register and create an account. *After registering check your email for an activation email from iMapInvasives. Click the link and accept the User Agreement.”

  • Step two download the app to your phone. Please follow the directions here. We will review the steps to set up the app in the evening program. You must have the app downloaded and accessible a few days prior to the program.

The Capital Region Partnership for Invasive Species Management (CR-PRISM) is a collaborative organization created to address the threat of invasive species. The CR-PRISM operates across eleven counties and is funded by the Environmental Protection Fund as administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). The CR-PRISM is hosted by the Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Saratoga County and collaborates with more than several dozen cooperating organizations, partners, and volunteers to reduce the spread and impact of invasive species. Partners include academic institutions, government agencies, municipalities, not-for-profit organizations, private preserves and parks, land trusts, conservancies, lake associations, agricultural institutions, local businesses, environmental groups, and community scientists.

For Questions contact Sam Schultz or Heidi Bock

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