The Tgazette, which runs on the WIX platform, offers two ways to...well, subscribe to features of the site. It can be confusing. What's the difference? Those who "sign up" become Members. Members will be notified by email of any new postings and are also allowed to comment on articles.
To sign up, click on Log in at the top right of this page.

On the page that appears, click on one of the sign up options, as shown at right.
Subscribers, on the other hand, are those who submit their email address in the Subscribe Form found at the bottom of any post page. A Subscribe link is also provided at the top menu. Subscribers will be notified by email of any new postings, but unlike members, are not permitted to comment on articles.

We have had some issues recently with notifications of new posts not going out to all members and subscribers. We hope these have been corrected.
-- the Tgazette Volunteers