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1912 Autochromes of Bash Bash Inn

Subject of Roeliff Jansen Historical Society Presentation

Sunday, May 19 at 2 PM,

The next program at the Roeliff Jansen Historical Society will be of interest to local history buffs as well as those interested in early photography: History and Mystique of the Bash Bish Inn Captured in the 1912 Autochromes of Paul G. Guillumette. Guillumette was a pioneer in color photography. In July 1914, one of his autochromes was the first natural color illustration to appear in National Geographic Magazine. In 1912, he took many photos of the Bash Bish Inn. Built in the early 1900’s, the Inn was located on 300 acres of woodlands at the foot of the falls and boasted a breathtaking view and a world-famous French chef.

In 2023, Linda and Kim Crossman donated the 1912 autochromes of the Bash Bish Inn to the Roeliff Jansen Historical Society. Their presentation on Sunday, May 19 at 2 PM, will be an opportunity to learn about the once renowned Bash Bish Inn, and the life and work of Paul Guillumette, who, in his daughter’s words, “had a tremendous love of natural settings…and yearned to preserve this beauty in a form that would endure.”

Special Bonus: Following the presentation, attendees are invited to join a guided “Walk-About” in nearby Taconic State Park to visit actual remnants of the Bash Bish Inn on its former grounds, including the likely site of the hillside bungalow. The walk-about, lasting about an hour, will involve some short, steep inclines, and will be led by RJHS Board member Jane Peck, who has walked these trails all her life. (Important: Sturdy, comfortable walking shoes suggested.)

Admission is free. The Roeliff Jansen Historical Society is at 8 Miles Road in Copake Falls.


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