This survey is an important part of the update of the County Hazard Mitigation Plan. Participating towns will be eligible to access Federal FEMA funding for critical projects. We are asking all residents to participate. It takes just a few minutes to complete the survey and your help is greatly appreciated.
Scan the QR code or click here:
Some Background
Columbia County and its jurisdictions are threatened by natural hazards that are unique to its landscape and geography. These hazards have the potential to cause property loss, loss of life, economic hardship, and threats to public health and safety. An important part of emergency management Involves hazard mitigation actions and projects that are designed to set up protections that combat such hazards prior to damage. A hazard mitigation plan describes the hazards that can occur in a community, and then presents actions and projects that reduce key risks.
Purpose and Need
The most recent Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) for Columbia County was adopted in 2018 to meet the requirements of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000). The development for the 2023 update is being led by the County under a New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (NYS Emergency Services DHSES) grant that covers the costs of its preparation. The update ensures that the plan remains current in its discussion of local risks and risk reduction strategies. For the first time, the County and local jurisdictions will incorporate climate vulnerability assessments into the HMP instead of relying solely on information from historical events. It will also take into account the 2023 New York State Hazard Mitigation Plan and the April 19, 2023 FEMA updates, which all new plans to be approved on or after this date must abide by. Natural hazards that have impacted each of Columbia County's jurisdictions in the past and future, including extreme temperatures, flooding, fires, winds, severe winter weather, invasive species, and other natural hazards will be reviewed. The plan will identify how these hazards could impact vulnerable populations,
cultural assets, economic sectors, critical buildings and infrastructure, and natural resources. The HMP will provide opportunities for the County's jurisdictions to effectively address long-term hazard prevention and allow for quicker recovery times post hazard occurrence. Updating the HMP is also a requirement for the County and jurisdictions to continue to be eligible for hazard mitigation grant funds. Each jurisdiction in the County is attending meetings, providing feedback in a series of topic areas, reaching out to the public and other key stakeholders, and updating their local mitigation strategy.
Planning Timeline
• Last plan adopted in 2018; updates are required every five years.
• Update process began in December 2023 and is ongoing.
• FEMA approval and jurisdictional adoptions of the updated plan are anticipated in December 2024.
Natural disaster cannot be prevented from occurring but, if we tackle some of the biggest risks with hazard mitigation projects, eventually, our hazards won't become disasters.
For More Information
For questions, other feedback, or to find out how you can become involved, please contact your local elected official. The County's Office of Emergency Management (CCOEM) can be contacted at 518-828-1212 or visit the website -
Columbia County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update • "PlanFacts" • January 2024