Over the last couple of weeks, our local community had an opportunity to get involved at ground level in the development of the first ever Master Plan for Lake Taghkanic State Park. We have until December 1st to offer our suggestions to Park Planners.
The purpose of a Master Plan for the park is to "conserve, protect and enhance the natural, ecological, historic, cultural and recreational resources contained therein and to provide for the public enjoyment of and access to these resources in a manner that will protect them for future generations". I think we can all get behind that statement.
Park Personnel and Park Planners from the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation invited the public to both a virtual and an in-person meeting. Public participation and comments help NYS Parks identify issues, concerns, and management alternatives at the park. It will also help determine the extent to which each topic is considered in the Draft Master Plan and its associated Draft Environmental Impact Statement. It's not too late to add your voice. The ideas and concerns that the public voices will be addressed in the Draft Master Plan/Draft EIS.
A recording of the virtual meeting from 10/31/23 is now available on the NYS Parks website at :https://parks.ny.gov/inside-our-agency/master-plans.aspx under the heading “Public Information Meeting Packets”. Comments from both the virtual and in-person meetings have been recorded for consideration in the plan.
A reminder that comments, questions, and suggestions for the park will continue to be accepted through December 1st, 2023, by email to LakeTaghkanic.Plan@parks.ny.gov or by post to:
Megan Zimba, Park Planner
Division of Environmental Stewardship and Planning
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation
625 Broadway, 2nd Floor
Albany, NY 12238
Attendees have been added to our mailing list and will receive future opportunities to participate in the Master Plan by email. Should you wish to be removed from the list, please send an email to LakeTaghkanic.Plan@parks.ny.gov with “Unsubscribe” in the subject line.
Thanks again for your interest in Lake Taghkanic State Park. Please feel free to share this information with other interested parties who may not have been able to attend the meetings.
Parks Planning
New York State Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation
Albany, NY 12238