Do the deer seem to be overtaking your garden and our town? "Taghkanic Talks", our continuing series of presentations by expert gardeners, ecologists and wildlife professionals, presents Gardening with Deer. This talk by master gardener Teresa Golden and Cornell Cooperative Extension educator Tracey Testo-Smith will cover the history and impact of deer as well as strategies for living and gardening with increasing deer populations.

Join us Saturday, March 18th from 10am-12noon at the West Taghkanic Firehouse. Refreshments will be available, and we're trying a new feature - "kids corner" - an area adjacent to the presentation room for you to drop your kids off for an hour of supervised crafts, fun and kid friendly snacks. Please RSVP to betsyalbertfortaghkanic@gmail to sign your kids up!
Also available on Zoom - Click Here