Date: 3/13/23 to 3/24/23
Times: Tues: 2-5pm; Wed 9-noon; Thu/Fri 9-3pm
Place: Taghkanic Town Hall, 909 Route 82, Ancram NY 12502

What Documents Should I Shred?
Bank Statements - Copies of Birth Certificates - Pay Stubs - Canceled/Voided Checks - Credit Card Bills/Receipts - Credit Reports & Histories - Expired Credit Cards & Identification Cards - Expired Passports & Visas - Legal Documents - Insurance Documents - Tax Forms - Medical & Dental records - Utility Bills (phone, gas/electric, water, cable) - Transcripts - Investment, Stock & Property Transactions - Employment Records - AND: ANYTHING with your Account Numbers, Passwords, PINs, Signatures, Social Security Numbers and your Date of Birth !
Sponsored by the Columbia County Clerk’s Office, Holly Tanner, County Clerk