The Columbia County Office for the Aging to hold Public Hearing on the
2025-26 Annual Update Plan
The Columbia County Office for the Aging will hold a public hearing on its proposed
2025-2026 Annual Update. A plan abstract will be available at the OF A office at 325
Columbia Street, Hudson, NY after October 1st and at the time of the hearing.

When: Thursday, October 24, 2024
Time: 1:00 PM
Where: Columbia County Human Services Building
325 Columbia St.
2nd Floor Conference Room
Hudson, NY
If you are in need of special assistance during the hearing (such as interpretation), please contact the OFA at 518-828-4258 at least 7 days prior to the hearing so that accommodations may be made.
If you cannot attend the Public Hearing and wish to obtain a copy of the abstract, please
call the Office for the aging at 518-828-4258 and a copy will be provided to you. The
abstract can also be accessed on the home page of our website at: If you have any questions regarding the plan, you may contact the Administrator by phone, email, or mail (at the address above):
Nina Benvenuto, Administrator