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Taghkanic Talks Presents: The Forest in Your Backyard - A Homeowner’s Guide to Managing Woodlands


Saturday February 8, at the Taghkanic Firehouse

10am to noon.

If you own land in Taghkanic, chances are at least part of your property is wooded, and if that’s the case, you own a portion of a regionally significant forest. It is a major ecological resource, and it faces a variety of threats. The Taghkanic Conservation Advisory Committee (CAC), the Columbia Land Conservancy, and the Gallatin CAC are co-sponsoring a year-long series to provide landowners with a basic understanding of the forest we live in and an appreciation for the importance of well-functioning forest land to all life.

The first session will take place on Saturday February 8, from 10am - noon at the Taghkanic Firehouse. Will Yandik, local farmer and conservation scientist, will describe the history and composition of Columbia County’s forests, their critical role in sustaining the health of the natural world and human life, and their unique and sensitive position in the broader regional landscape.

Over the course of the year we will offer insights from forestry experts on the current condition of our forests, various threats to its continued health, what individuals can do to maintain and improve the health of their woodlands, and why it is important to do so.

We hope to see you there. Please RSVP to

To attend via Zoom click on this link or paste it into your browser:

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