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Town Hall Energy Tracking


Heat Pumps & Lighting Upgrades Saving Money & Reducing CO2 Emissions

In June 2022, four Mitsubishi air-source heat pumps were installed at Town Hall to replace the existing oil-based heating and window air conditioning units. In the summer of 2023, the lighting system at Town Hall was converted from a combination of incandescent & fluorescent fixtures to all LED units. A recent analysis by the Climate Smart Committee shows how these changes affected energy use and energy costs at Town Hall. The results indicate an annual cost saving of around $1076 and an annual reduction in energy use equivalent to 5.8 metric tons of CO2. This corresponds to the CO2 emitted by 1.3 average gasoline powered cars over a 1-year period (around 11,000 miles).

Still, 5.8 metric tons of CO2 is not easy to visualize, right? Well, imagine a block of Dry Ice (you know, the little frozen blocks you might find inside a Styrofoam shipping box for something that needed to remain frozen) measuring one meter high x one meter deep x 3.72 meters wide, and weighing over 12000 pounds - that would be 5.8 metric tons of CO2 in its solid form. See full report.

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