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Broadband Financial Help

The Taghkanic Gazette

Updated: Jan 28, 2021

Researched and Compiled by the Taghkanic Broadband Advisory Committee

During this time of COVID and the accompanying economic disruptions, Broadband access for remote learning, telemedicine and communication is more important than ever. Help is available for those who lack the infrastructure or who for financial reasons cannot access the internet.


The three school districts that serve the town of Taghkanic -- Taconic Hills, Germantown and Hudson -- have programs in place to provide computers and internet access for students. Programs vary by school district so students and their parents should contact their districts to find what is available.

Financial Help:

Here are links and information for programs available for seniors and those economically challenged:

Programs for low-income internet:

Guide For Seniors: Programs For Low-cost Internet, Mobile Plans And Digital Literacy:


Lifeline is a government program backed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). It provides a monthly phone or internet service discount for low-income households. At the time of writing, Lifeline benefits give eligible subscribers a discount of at least $9.25 per month off either landline phone service, wireless phone service, broadband, or bundled services.

Organizations that help seniors with internet


EveryoneOn is a national nonprofit that aims to connect everyone with low-cost internet. Seniors can qualify for internet and computer discounts. Search for discounts on their website by typing in a ZIP code and selecting a government assistance program you participate in.

human-I-T Call: 888-268-3921 or

This organization partners with EveryoneOn to help customers choose the most affordable internet provider and apply for internet discounts from start to finish. Households can even choose to purchase a mobile WiFi hotspot device for a one-time cost of $99.99 and pay a monthly charge of $14.99/month for data. Human-I-T’s mobile WiFi hotspot is a great option for those living in an area without a major internet provider offering elderly discounts.

Organizations that promote digital literacy for seniors

Many seniors struggle with the difficulty of learning to use new technology, and most need someone to guide them through the process. These non-profits and organizations help enable seniors by promoting digital literacy classes meant for older internet users. 

AARP TEK Workshops Call: 888-687-2277 — https://

TEK workshops from AARP are available to everyone and are learning events about the basics of smartphones and tablets. AARP provides these workshops in your area for free and participants get to take home a guidebook. Select your state on their website and check out their events page for a list of upcoming classes.

Net Literacy’s Senior Connects program aims to increase computer access at senior housing centers. This non-profit organization provides programs that allow seniors access to school computer labs after the school day is over. Students and staff volunteer to teach seniors necessary computer skills. The FCC cites the Senior Connects program as the preferred model to closing the digital divide. Please email to inquire about how your facility can participate in their Senior Connects program.

Update: January 12, 2021

Governor Cuomo Announces Proposal to Enact a First-In-The-Nation Guarantee of Affordable Internet for Low-Income Families as Part of the 2021 State of the State

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